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Monday, August 24, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
121. Brand New.. Album.
Brand New Eyes;;

03. Playing God
04. Brick by Boring Brick
05. Turn It Off
06. The Only Exception
07. Feeling Sorry
08. Looking Up
09. Where the Lines Overlap
10. Misguided Ghosts
11. All I Wanted
Paramores new album comes out 29th of September with their new single 'Ignorance' coming out today, 7th of July.
xoxo d:)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
120. Gabrielle Larkin.

Lets see;
Dear Gabby/Gabbles/Gabrielle/Gab-Gab,
Dear Gabby/Gabbles/Gabrielle/Gab-Gab,
I don't know what to say, think or feel. Well actually yeah I do. I know I've been saying I miss you a lot these past few weeks but especially yesterday. I know I can't stop thinking about you, and why you were taken from us. And I know how I'm feeling. Pretty shitting. I have a lot to thank-you for.
Those late night phone calls where we would have to pace because we kept running out of reception. Where we'd be laughing constantly, yet have these random dramatic pauses because we were on msn at the same time, possibly even talking to each other through that as well. Our webcaming sessions that went for hours, again laughing so hard we'd be crying and both of our parents would be saying 'are you talking to Gabby/Paige again?'. LOL and you teaching me how to tease my hair via web cam, so hard. But boy did we get some good print screens. Ha, man I miss that. Our msn conversations. Far out, we filled 6 message histories so they must have been amazing. I just wish we could have reached ten folders, I know we could of done it. Most of those conversations were pretty much story's, yet not. You knew a lot about me through them, and I learnt so much from you that I know I'll never forget. I was actually going through our message history the other day, reminiscing with myself of how much fun we had. How many fights i started and how many inside jokes we made. There were so many. Old Gregg. Me gouging your eyes out with a spoon. 'Sponge' and 'Penguin', just to name a few.
I still don't get it though. Why were you taken so soon, and so early in your life. You had so much to give and so much to teach me, including how to walk in heals. man that was funny at Laura's. Remember that time when you stayed at my house an we watched 'the eye', yeah I don't either. Because we did spend most of the time hiding behind my sheets. Freakin' hell that was scary. Oh and when we played basket ball for 10 minutes before we went and saw 6 pounds. Yeah I haven't stooped playing it since you left. They way you know my weak spots, and I had a few.
Me: You're shit.
You: You are.
Me: Your mom is *proud face*
You: Your cat is.
Me: *runs off crying*

Good times. Good times. Ha, Architecture last year wouldn't have been the same without you. You, Erica, Chelsea and I felt inseparable in the class. I began to block out everyone and focused on, not my work, but you guys and how happy I was to be in that class with each of you. Yeah, I love architecture, but I didn't get excited everytime we'd have it because I'd learn something about house designs and stuff, but because I'd be spending it with you girls. Laughing a Penguin boy was something I loved seeing you do. It was funny because I knew you didn't mean it, but I still went along with it. Always running into each other in the toilets because regular for us. I'm not complaining though, I'm just saying. STOP STALKING ME!! Haha, kidding. It was usually me doing the stalking. Yeah, sorry about that. You stood out to me from everyone because it was you who put me first in fights with other people, and were always the one standing next to me in an argument with someone. I loved that. I mist admit, at times I took our friendship for granted. I'm stupid and regret being shit, because I wasn't as nice as I could have been. But you've changed me. This year I had decided I needed to change and being closer(in a non kinky way, lol) to you was on top of my list. Not because of your illness, but because you've changed me.
I keep looking at your my space. You're not going to leave my top friends. I knew how much of a big deal that was for you so you're not going anywhere. But anywho, I read all of those comments people have been sending you, and wow-ee. If only you could read them and see how much support you had and how much you'll continue to have. Oh and did I mention the bulletins? Crap licker Gabby. There are so many. Its pretty much every second post contains the words 'Gabby' or 'R.I.P'. I hate that acronym. Its so shit, can I just say that? Also with your pictures. I keep looking at them, remembering how amazing you actually are, and also with the comments for them? Yeah, there's a heap :) You'd love it.
The last time I saw you was about 13 days ago, and the number of days I'll see you next will continue to grow and that's the one thing I'm not sure I can deal with. Although it hasn't exactly hit me yet, I'm struggling coming to terms with the situation.
I love you not only for who you are, but for who you made me become.
I loved how you were you, and didn't care what anyone thought. You never let those stupidly untrue rumours get to you, and helped me also to block out the negatives and focus on the positives.You've proven to me how important and sacred life can be, I just hope you're watching over me and continue to help me be the best person I can be.
I will NEVER forget you, that's a promise.
xoxo d:(
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
118. April (Y)

You tend to be suave and compromising. You're funny, humorous, stubborn, and very talkative. Luckily you're calm and cool. You also tend to be kind, sympathetic, concerned, detailed, and loyal. You work well with others and you are very confident, sensitive, and you have a positive attitude. You tend to have a good memory and you're clever and knowledgeable. You love to look for information. You're also able to cheer everyone up and/or make them laugh. You're able to motivate yourself and others. You're understanding and fun to be around. You have a bubbly personality, and you tend to be a bit secretive. You’re Boy/girl crazy. You love sports, music, leisure and traveling. You’re hot but you have brains..
Is it me? Lol. I hate studying for
xoxo d:)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
117. Hey there little guy :)
Welcome to the family little guy. Yes, the rumours are true. There has been a birth in my family. One that will stay close to me through thick and thin, will help me with my maths but at the same time keep my friends up to date with my doings. That's right. Paige has a new phone. It may not be the best one you've ever seen, or the fact that just about everyone in the history of Galen has this and you may call me a sheep, but its far as hell better then any of the phones I've been through (and there has been a lot) in the past week.

Okay so here the the story of my last hours of having my last LG.
Saturday morning + The day of groovin' the moo = a horrible situation to break a phone. Okay, to cut a long story kinda short, I broke it. To be more precise, In half would have been the case. I could have cried, In fact I'm pretty sure I shed a tear knowing I'd go a weekend without it, or so I thought. So I texted (via mothers Sim) off her phone to tell Erica we were on our way to pick her up. Thank-you mother. She so happened to have a spare phone for me *praise the lord*. So yeah, I was happy. Thank- you Erica. So I went the whole day with this brick of a phone(which was actually really easy and good to use (Y)) then but the end of the night it was lacking battery so I was like 'be smart Paige. Turn it off while we sleep'. I was a good girl and did as I was told.
The next day I was still down to one bar. Ha, its funny how I was just expecting it to charge up without a charger. On the drive home *like 4 hours*, I was in a pretty good conversation with young Jorja, when it decided to die the bitch. Sunday night I borrowed Mothers phone. Shit of a thing. Worst ring tone ever, but at least its a phone. Anywho, I put my sim in the stupidly enough locked the Sim. Stupid 'punk code' shit. That night I also said my last goodbye to my snapped in half phone *sheds a tear*. Monday came rolling up and I had no phone or a working Sim. Anna asked if I wanted to use her old one. I denyed, thinking I'd get a new phone that night. Went to Telstra after school finally ended and unlocked my Sim. Went home realised I can't use mothers phone forever so I twittered Anna asking if she could bring her Motorola Tuesday. She came through :) Thank-you Anna. Short as battery life. Wednesday and Thursday i spent all my time charging and looking for reception, Constantly. Not even exaggerating. Almost snapped it. Friday came along and I was over it. Over having to use every ones phones and complaining with my hand waving in the air for reception. 5th Period hit me in the face when Anna's phone died. No I didn't snap it. The battery gave in a decided to have a nap. So I was asking just about everyone if I could text like two messages of their phones. Eliza was using hers. Ashlyn didn't have hers at school, and Luke isn't nice enough. So luckily Kelly is like the best person in the world and allowed me to borrow hers for the last hour of the day. Thank-you Kelly. It was going well until we went to the library to read stupid books where there is absolutely no reception. Not happy Jan. At all. So I ran to Erica and got her to text mummles. Thank-you Ericaa.
After that horrible day, we went just about everywhere to look for a phone for Paige. Found one. unfortunately just about everyone in my year level has this phone, but I wouldn't blame them. I enjoy it. It slides. Thank-you Harvey Norman.

xoxo d:)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
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