Lets see;
Dear Gabby/Gabbles/Gabrielle/Gab-Gab,
Dear Gabby/Gabbles/Gabrielle/Gab-Gab,
I don't know what to say, think or feel. Well actually yeah I do. I know I've been saying I miss you a lot these past few weeks but especially yesterday. I know I can't stop thinking about you, and why you were taken from us. And I know how I'm feeling. Pretty shitting. I have a lot to thank-you for.
Those late night phone calls where we would have to pace because we kept running out of reception. Where we'd be laughing constantly, yet have these random dramatic pauses because we were on msn at the same time, possibly even talking to each other through that as well. Our webcaming sessions that went for hours, again laughing so hard we'd be crying and both of our parents would be saying 'are you talking to Gabby/Paige again?'. LOL and you teaching me how to tease my hair via web cam, so hard. But boy did we get some good print screens. Ha, man I miss that. Our msn conversations. Far out, we filled 6 message histories so they must have been amazing. I just wish we could have reached ten folders, I know we could of done it. Most of those conversations were pretty much story's, yet not. You knew a lot about me through them, and I learnt so much from you that I know I'll never forget. I was actually going through our message history the other day, reminiscing with myself of how much fun we had. How many fights i started and how many inside jokes we made. There were so many. Old Gregg. Me gouging your eyes out with a spoon. 'Sponge' and 'Penguin', just to name a few.
I still don't get it though. Why were you taken so soon, and so early in your life. You had so much to give and so much to teach me, including how to walk in heals. man that was funny at Laura's. Remember that time when you stayed at my house an we watched 'the eye', yeah I don't either. Because we did spend most of the time hiding behind my sheets. Freakin' hell that was scary. Oh and when we played basket ball for 10 minutes before we went and saw 6 pounds. Yeah I haven't stooped playing it since you left. They way you know my weak spots, and I had a few.
Me: You're shit.
You: You are.
Me: Your mom is *proud face*
You: Your cat is.
Me: *runs off crying*

Good times. Good times. Ha, Architecture last year wouldn't have been the same without you. You, Erica, Chelsea and I felt inseparable in the class. I began to block out everyone and focused on, not my work, but you guys and how happy I was to be in that class with each of you. Yeah, I love architecture, but I didn't get excited everytime we'd have it because I'd learn something about house designs and stuff, but because I'd be spending it with you girls. Laughing a Penguin boy was something I loved seeing you do. It was funny because I knew you didn't mean it, but I still went along with it. Always running into each other in the toilets because regular for us. I'm not complaining though, I'm just saying. STOP STALKING ME!! Haha, kidding. It was usually me doing the stalking. Yeah, sorry about that. You stood out to me from everyone because it was you who put me first in fights with other people, and were always the one standing next to me in an argument with someone. I loved that. I mist admit, at times I took our friendship for granted. I'm stupid and regret being shit, because I wasn't as nice as I could have been. But you've changed me. This year I had decided I needed to change and being closer(in a non kinky way, lol) to you was on top of my list. Not because of your illness, but because you've changed me.
I keep looking at your my space. You're not going to leave my top friends. I knew how much of a big deal that was for you so you're not going anywhere. But anywho, I read all of those comments people have been sending you, and wow-ee. If only you could read them and see how much support you had and how much you'll continue to have. Oh and did I mention the bulletins? Crap licker Gabby. There are so many. Its pretty much every second post contains the words 'Gabby' or 'R.I.P'. I hate that acronym. Its so shit, can I just say that? Also with your pictures. I keep looking at them, remembering how amazing you actually are, and also with the comments for them? Yeah, there's a heap :) You'd love it.
The last time I saw you was about 13 days ago, and the number of days I'll see you next will continue to grow and that's the one thing I'm not sure I can deal with. Although it hasn't exactly hit me yet, I'm struggling coming to terms with the situation.
I love you not only for who you are, but for who you made me become.
I loved how you were you, and didn't care what anyone thought. You never let those stupidly untrue rumours get to you, and helped me also to block out the negatives and focus on the positives.You've proven to me how important and sacred life can be, I just hope you're watching over me and continue to help me be the best person I can be.
I will NEVER forget you, that's a promise.
xoxo d:(
1 comment:
it's not real Paige.
it's just not
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