Okay, so a few weeks ago I found out something about myself. Something so huge, its ruined a lot for me. Change the way I think, feel, talk and change the way I am today. Not many people know this about me.. Well, actually no body does, which makes this kind of a big deal for me. So, please don't laugh.
What I'm about to tell you could kill your stomach from laughter. Destroy your tear ducts from crying so hard. Explode your minds at the fact that this is crazy and shit (but still a good read. Tell your friends about my blog ) :D
Okay. Here goes..
So, I was sitting in my bed a few weeks ago, listening to 'Here in your arms' By Hellogoodbye. Such a good song. Such a good band. Anywho, i was just bopping and singing along to it until it came up to a part I couldn't sing. 'Whispers 'Hello, I miss you quite Terribly'..' Now, you may be thinking to yourselves 'Wtf Paige. How can you not sing that?' Well boys and girls, the word 'Terribly' gets me every time. I don't know if I'm just use to him singing it funny, Or if I'm just that mentally retarded I can't sing one word in a song. I'm going with the second one.. Anywho, I NEED TO LEARN HOW TO SING IT!! Its shitting me. Every time it comes up to it i brace myself and say 'Terribly, Terribly, Terribly' over and over in my head. I always say 'Terrily'. Where the crap i the 'B' paige? I DON'T KNOW BECAUSE I CAN'T FREAKING SING THE STUPID SONG!!!
Thanks for reading :)
xoxo d:)
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