Aint a thang but a chicken wing..
Poor Chicken.
Its Paige. The one that blogs on Check it out sometime. Gah. I'm actually really bored. That's the mood that is perfect to sum up my weekend. So there isn't really much to blog about. Apart from me complaining about my boredom. I kinda got lonely at one stage. Then annoyed then happy for about 10 minutes. Then i went to my 'in pain' stage. I haven't left that one yet. My back it killing me. My chest hurts. And with them both compressing againest each other, I'm finding it hard to breath.. YAY! I'm not webcaming with Gabby tonight. Bearly talking to Erica. Anna isn't online. Neither is Laura or Cheese. Or Hayley or Nikki. My regular talkers. Hmm. I miss Nikki. Hey. Lets blog about her..

Nikki Harding. My best friend. We went to primary school together, but for those whole 7 years, we bearly spoke. I mean yeah we spoke, but not as much as you'd think, looking at us now. That's why I love her. We got closer in grade 5 and have been uber close ever since. Although now it's change a little. She's got tones of other friends, same with me. I miss her sometimes. Well, to tell you the truth i miss her all the time. I miss our phone calls that we had. Endlessly we'd talk about nothing. Sometimes we'd talk about talking and about how much we did or didn't talk. Great conversations. I miss those sleep overs we'd have when we wouldn't get to sleep untill 5am, because even though we had a whole school day to talk, we kept going. Couldn't stop us. I miss all of our inside jokes. I miss Rusty and Tinkerbell. And our cupcakes. And teddy bear biscuts, with icing. I miss our late nigth snacks we'd make. Fairy bread. I miss Oscar 1,2,3. I miss playing cars with you in my hall way. STEVE!! Oh My bug. I miss him too. I miss everything. I'd kill just to have one of those memories back.
I love you My Nikki. Don't change.
And on that note, I'm going to G.O :)
xoxo d:)
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