Hehe. I was just looking on youtube at paramore video's, when I stumbled across this Misery Business remixed video and i was like yeah, You guys should watch it. Trust me. it's worth the loading time. I want to download it. I have like 3 versions on my podi. I LOVE PARAMORE :D
Oh my bug. If i had waited untill tomorrow to do a blog, it would have been 1 week since my last one. Well, that usually means that if i don't blog I'm either on in the mood, no time or it's pointless because nothing much has happend. Well, Friday morning i went to the doctors for a check up. Whilse i was there, he took my blood. Wasn't too scary. Didn't hurt at all becaus eI'm use to it but i miss out or 30 minutes of Tim. We had three periods of him that day. Amazing. Then that night I we out of tea with Erica, Georgia and Claire. Gah i miss Claire. You know before that night, I hadn't seen her in like a year. Well a little less then that, but its been ages. So good to see her again. Well, i met up with Erica first and waited out the front of freaking chicken time for about 15 minutes before we decided to go inside to get a table before they all went. Great place to sit. But it had it advantages. As in if we hadn't sat there i wouldn't of noticed that PARAMORE POSTER ON THE BACK WALL!! so freaking good. It lightened up my night so well. I want it. :) Then after that we left for Claire's house to watch skins. LOL not as bad as i thought. I mean it's watchable :D... Yeah. Saturday at 10:00 we left for Wodonga to baby sit Tilly. Yeah, she is my neice. She's amazing. I love her. We jumped on the trampoline for ages. Ate ice and we both laughed at me whilse i changed her nappy. Thats right. My first time. Twas an experience Lol. Now I'm uber bored. I should do homework. Hmmm. Great.
xoxo d:)
Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa.
Pretty sure Parkour is awesome. I'd be too much of a wimp to actually start doing it. But still it's sick as to watch. Well, obviously there is only videos. Wang people are too shit to do it Lol. (8) I'm not about to listen to them.. (8) Ily Birds of Tokyo. Back to Parkour. Yeah it's good as. Looks like fun but i can't imagine me running around, jumping off shiz without a helmet. Yaynss in the anus. We have Thunder hockey tomorrow. Fully extreme. I must admit, I'm pretty shit at it, but it gets you to let off steam. Which i think i need for some un-known reason. Annoyances. Oui.
Told you I'll be here forever, Said I'll always be your friend, Token oath I'm gonna stick it out till the end <3>
I'm off for now :)
xoxo d:)