I haven't done a blog in so long. I actually just can't be screwed anymore. So boring. Well, I'll start with my week last week. Monday i stayed at home, mainly because i got like 41/2 hours of sleep he night before. So shit. Then Tuesday when i went back, Pfft it was kinda shit. People had changed a little. People weren't there.. You know who you are. But Hmmm. It was weird. Then Wednesday came along and bit me in the butt. No idea why, but it did. My homeroom, 9.2, were in the Volleyball grand final! Yah, big achievement considering WE SUCK!! not sure if anyone knew that the aim of the game is to hit the ball over the net. Gah. I'm so mean. But you should of seen them. Mmmm. That night I decided i needed t change my room around. I hadn't done it in ages and it was really annoying me. B Thursday was no different. Last day of school though. FINALLY I finished my Chuckie from the Rugrats bust. I think its called a bust. I thought that was a woman's chest area... Hmmm. Well, yeah. Then that night Erica came over. We chilled. She pulled down my freaking High school musical poster!!!! I was actually quite angry. I know she hates the moviebecause of its corny-ness bt there is a point where you just cross the line. She crossed it. Lol. She's lucky I still love her :) So, we slept. Then Friday morning we got up then walked to K-fart. Met up with Georgia and discovered that i really shouldn't be left alone, or be left with two girls my age in the make-up section. Pretty sure i tested every make-up type in the store.. All.. Over... my... hands. It was retarded. Then we walked to Maccas, and pretty much chilled for the day. It was actually really fun. Saturday morning, Laura called :) She filled me n on her Italian camp experience and how she met her third cousin.. I think it was her third. Well, anywho it was really good to hear from my Laura :) Because she loves me and I love her. Yeah i have proof :) Saturday night arrived. Nothing happened. Sunday morning rocked up bright and early. I woke to my phone vibrating from a message from the Gabby. Texted her from about 7:40am till 10ish. Kinda fell back to sleep during that time though.. Lol. I had my Vegemite and onion salt sandwich for lunch. SO FREAKING GOOD!!! Don't judge it before you try it dudes. Trust me. It's amazing. Then we went to K-fart again. Got a hi-5 bed cover for my niece. A turtle to put in the garden :. Tim-Tams.. And Star wars #1. So happy. I love star wars.. Read one of my recent blogs and you'll see, yeah? hehe. So that night Erica called me.. nuff said. I chilled in my brothers room whilse doing so. Mmmm. Then watched Star wars then slept a real shit sleep. It sucks because most of my thinking occurs when Its 'sleep time' so i can;t sleep or i get so lost in all of my thoughts i kinda break down and get panicky. If you get me. Talk about Frustrating. Geez. Monday came and I was like yeah. That day i was going to Nikki's joint which i was actually uber excited about. Just like the good old days. We spoke for ages like we use to. Laughed our butts off like old people like we use it. Good times :) I'd do it again in a heart beat. Oui. Then, unfortunately it came time for my home time. So i left. I MISSED THE HILLS!!
I was like '@#!!!$%@^&**' So pissed off. Then as soon as everyone thought it was 'text Paige time' i started kinda of pacing back and forth from my toilet door to the back door. Now, I'm not complaining that it was far to walk, because who ever knows my house will say it isn't far, cas well, it isn't. But see the same thing every time got abit annoying. But it was alright because I bearly had to look up because i was texting about 3407 people. Which was fine with me :) It's funny because the people i was texting were asking how the other people that i was texting were. Yeah.. Last night i was like yeah, i haven't watched High school musical 1 for a while now. It makes me really happy. So i decided I was going to watch it in all its greatness. but i couldn't find it!! i had the case and everything, just not the disk. I actually went on a rampage searching through every DVD case. Every CD case. NO WHERE! By this point my heart was racing so fast i could of had a freaking cardiacarest. I could of actually cried you a river. Plus i could of thrown everything i have near by to Egypt, just to find that dang DVD. but unfortunately i still haven't found it yet, so i watched HSM2 :) Just as good. Then Laura/Erica called. Twas good.
Now I'm uber bored, writing you this blog. I should start my story. @%#$!&#*^ So shit. Actually, i might just change my room around again. I'm sick of it *evil eyes my door*
xoxo d:)
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