Thursday, October 30, 2008

42. Stormtrooper ey?

So, I went of Flickr again. Oh Em Gee. That site is amazing. So much good shiz :) Anywho, i went in search of some really dgfpvmdtr pictures to collect up, and show you. So, I went abit Star wars crazy and got a fair few pictures. But I'm only going to post a few of the lucky ones that were awesome enough for a blog :) Now, we have some Yoda, Darth Maul & Vadar but A lot of stormtrooper pictures.. Which shouldn't be a problem concidering their the greatest :)

Anywho, this week has been pretty miserable. Yeah, it wasn't my favourite. But it wasn't my worst either. As i said on Monday, i got a new new scooter :) I love my razor. its been everythig but a dissapointment. So happy.

xoxo d:)

Monday, October 27, 2008

41. Current mood.

Mood: Unlike my usual self. Not very talk-a-tive. Not in the mood for any attention. Leave me alone??

xoxo d:)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

40. RAZOR xD

So, as you may know, four long weeks ago my scooter died a tragic death (horrible day). So, on Saturday i kinda went and got another one. I know I know. Too soon after the death, but i was having with drawls from scooting, and needed it. Urgently. So after going back and forth from K-mart and Big-W, i finally found one. It was a blade one. It was red and it was kinda huge. So as you do, i took it home asap, and scooted for a while. Soon to realise it was actually far too big for me and the front wheel didn't spin right around, allowing no x-ups or fully sick bar spins. So, today, Monday 27/10/08, we took it back to get a razor. OMB! I love Razors. Gift from God i tell you. GOD!! Yeah, so its blue guys. Blue. Yeah, that's about all the news i have for you today :D

Oh, and I'm still in that shitty mood. Talk to me?? Please. Fix this.

xoxo d:)

Friday, October 24, 2008

39. Survey/Quiz :@

Ily Lego.
Doesn't it annoy the shit out of you when people post bulletins on myspace with a subject thing saying 'quiz', when its actually a survey? GAH!! So annoying..

Okay.. So I kinda got engaged to Erica in May. See Her Blog.. so I thought I would pretty much explain to the the difference between a quiz and a survey, so next time when you post a survey on myspace you WONT call it a quiz :)

How did you meet? School Brew.
What's one of your earliest memories together? *Pound it*
How long did you know each other before dating? LOL We kinda skipped the whole 'dating' process.
How old are you? 15
Where was the first date? Ummm. We shared a few lunch times together.. Those were the days..
How old is your significant other? 15
Who asked who out and how? Lol I told you we skipped the dating part.
Do the parents like both of you? LOL My mum kinda wants to adopt her, and I'm never good with parents lol.
Do the two of you share any hobbies? Not really, but similar in a way.
Do you stay the night with each other or always go back to your own homes? Lol. We share special nights together.. LOL :S

How long after dating did you get engaged?
Who asked and how? It just happened.. you know?
What was your engagement location? School son.
Where was the ring purchased and what style is it? LOL
Do you live together now? Pretty much.
Were pictures taken of the proposal? LOL nope. Horrible
Did anyone else know about it ahead of time? Laura, she had to orange our certificate *see link above*.
Who did you tell first? Well, Cheese had to sign the sheet that Laura made for us, so i guess they both were pretty knowledgeable.
How did the parents react about it? LOL They were pretty chill.
Are you planning now or waiting, if so how long? Waiting. Can't be fagged planning anything LOL


Do you have a date picked, if so when?
Nope. :)
Have the bridesmaids been chosen? Hayley so far.
Have the groomsmen been chosen? -----
What colors are you going with? Neon green and fluorescent pink :D
Where do you want to have the wedding? Uhhhh.?
Any ideas on a honeymoon? Yep. Probably going to go to my local park with a bottle of 'expensive' O.J and get crunk.
Will you have your own place to call home? Ummm. Yeah?
Do you plan on starting a family soon after? LOL Already have *pats stomach*
Do you think the marriage will last? Of course.
What will your new name? Hoffman :D

I love you my Erica.


Whats The best band in the world right now? Paramore
Whats their most recent song release? That's what you get.
LOL Quiz^^.

That's what you get when you can't tell the difference (8)
xoxo d:)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

38. Rodney :)

Worth the loading wait. Trust me.

Rodney mullen is like God.

Apart from Ryan Sheckler :P


xoxo d:)

37. Jane Gazzo.

I dispise this chick with a passion.
I would gauge her eye balls out with a spoon. I would.
xoxo d:)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Mmmm. I haven't blogged for a while now, so I'm sorry. I've left you all in boredom because you've had nothing at least half decent to read in your spare time. Not much has happened recently, so instead of you reading like infinity pages of boring old words, ill show you some pictures? So, I'm currently on (awesome discovery), and I'm having an amazing time going through pictures of cool things. Yeah, so I've collected a few to show you guys :D... :)
xoxo d:)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

35. For a pessamist, I'm pretty optimistic.

Nawww. Cute as Paramore photo shoot. Mmmm. I have an Our Lady's 50 year Reunion thing later on tonight.. yay. TEXT ME PEOPLE!! I'll get so bored it's not funny. Plus Nikki isn't going so i don't see the point in me going. But, it's such a good day today i Mose well. I really want a hammock. I think we have one but I'm pretty sure Jesus past it down through generation to generation to us... Mean its so OLD!! Gosh. Yeah, since my scooter died, I've been skating more. It's been fun but I'm really having with drawl symptoms. I NEED A SCOOTER!! Actually I don't nee a scooter, i just nee a new wooden deck to fix my old one, cas nothing could replace it. LOL! Gah. i love it so much. Yeah, so I've been sick all week. Well, actually i came back to school on Wednesday because i had a after school 3 hour long Materials and Technology (wood work) Class to do. Wasn't too bad, because I really did get a lot of shiz done (Y), but i still have a bit of a cough and runny nose. OMB!! DON'T WATCH BURIED ALIVE!! Well, i guess there is no rule saying you can't watch it, but if your into dieing of fright then i guess you can watch it. But then again i get scared SO easily that you'd probably laugh in my face at how shit it was. Well, most of the movie i was hiding behind a pillow because when i jump, i jump. I hurt myself too. By jump i mean when i get scared shitless then jump like a mile cas of fright. LOL SO shit.
THEN!!! Today we went to Big-W and saw the new Ipod touch. I HATE IT! Actually it's got more shiz then mine does so its for others, but for me, Its SHIT!! Curse you jealousy. Oh well, i got aviators today :D Heck yes there back! I love them. I have to make sure i don't loose or break them like my other 3 pairs I've had. (Y)
xoxo d:)

Monday, October 13, 2008

34. I'm sick bru.

Uhhh. So I guess I'm sick. I felt a cold coming on at the show but thought nothing of it. Then my nose went crazy Saturday night up in Melbourne, which led to last night me feeling like shit to today with me staying home from school and being on my death bed. Dude, i have no energy. I bathed today. Just a bath. No soap. Just water and it was painful. So weird. So sore. Now that i touch anything, my skin goes uber sensitive and it's actually really painful. The fresh air from the outside world was good though. Nice and sunny with a slight breeze, which inflicted pain to my skin. I got bearly any sleep last night, nor did i get any this morning. Anna was texting me, and might i add the only one who did. So bored all day. I ate me some tomato soup for lunch. really hot but nice for my throat. Not sure if i'll be capable to go tomorrow. Hmmm.

Well, that was my sick day :(

Hehe. I love end of ze world :)
xoxo d:)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

33. Walk to cure Diabetes :D

The Walk :)

Walk to cure Diabetes ay? Saturday morning wasn't a sleep in day for me. I woke up at 9:30am to pack my bag and head out to Nikki's :) So worth it. Gah. I was so tired and my throat was all warned out from the show the night before. Mmmm. I love you show bags.. Anywho.. I rocked up at Nikki's at around 11:40am and we chilled outside with our olds whiles we spoke about us getting tanned over the weekend. Then Emily drove up so we jumped into the car and headed for Melbourne. After upchucking water onto Pillows, listening to amazing music, seeing dead Kangaroos on the road and taking random photo's, we finally arrived in Melbourne. I love looking at all the arty(if you'd even call it that) shiz that's just lying around. Like the cool fences and random things that pop out and say 'hey look at me. I'm amazing'. Its good. I LOVE PARAMORE!! So we searched for Emily's aunts hizzhouse and chilled there for like 10 minutes before hitting the streets of St. Kilda. Firstly, we went to the beach. It was real pretty but so dirty. It was a disgrace. We saw a whole heap of jellyfish and Nikki decided to do her bit and poke them into the water with a stick. Very amusing. Then we walked past Luna Park. DUDE!! That entrance is freaking freaky. So shit. Then we went to get ice cream :D So good. I have cookies and cream. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Then we ran into Phil. He was a bum who played his Bongo's for money which usually lead to Alcohol buying. So we kinda say down to eat our ice creams, then out of no where Phil decides to pop up and say hello. Actually he said something like "sdkljhsdioabfsd Black man fjbfuobebef'. Scary. Then I see Emily like run, whiles me and Nikki were left there to hold our bags so he wouldn't mug us. I couldn't exactly stop laughing because of the look on Emily's face was priceless. So we ended up running to cotton on. AKA Safety. Near death experience. When we got back to the place we were staying, we chilled, then went out for tea.. Mmmm. Pizza. So good. OMB!! Best bit, after that we went to seven eleven. SLUSHY'S BABY!!!! I think I was in love. I think i am. So good. GAH!! Craving's back. El oh El. on our walk back we walked past this chick with headphones in her ears whiles she was singing. Then we saw people walking a heater. That's right. With a leash and everything. Haha. Home time came, and hyponess rocked up. We laughed and yelled and moved around the room for a while. It was funnn as. Sleep time came, which included the added bonus of Emily waking up * randomly* and yelling and sleep talking. So scary. Funny as hell too though. Rose at like 9ish. Left at 9:30 ish started our walk at like 11:30am then finished at 12:30pm. We bought A 'walk to cure diabetes' T-shirt, but it's 2007 and kinda dirty now :S. Stupid food. Not only was it for a great cause, but it was so much fun. It's good to fit in. I saw tones of people doing finger pricks and eating jelly babies. It was good :) Siff we're not doing it next year. So pumped. We're gonna have T-shirts :O I found out that i actually Love My Nikki and Emily :) Their amazzzzing... Now I'm pretty sure i have a cold and a headache.St. Kilda Beach.

Jelly Fish.

Scary Jelly baby (y)

Nikki and I

xoxo d:)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

32. I miss you.

Last Saturday, the 4th of October, was the worst day of my life. Well, its in my top 5 shittiest days ever. For about 4-5 years he has been my best friend. I could of cried at the very moment i saw him crash and burn.. well, he didn't actually burn, but he snapped. Mmmm. You may call me crazy, but I really want to have a ceremony of him, to commemorate the years we've spent together. Best years of my life. I don't know what I'm going to do without him. I think I'd prefer me to go then him, and leave him for my grandchildren to embrace his awesomeness. I don't know why I'm saying this but i think I'd rather him be here, safe and sound then to meet P.. P.. P.. Paramore. Gah, that was hard to say, but its true. I'm going to miss him so much. I love walking with him to Our Lady's (best asphalt EVER), and spending hours just walking around, jumping and just chilling out. I can't do that with many people, or things for that matter. I love folding him up to keep him safe from the evil *awesome thing* eater. Hmmm. I remember one time, i folded him up, as you do, and i couldn't unfold him. I remember balling my eyes out because i thought that was the end. But then of course came the hugest sigh of relief because i fixed him. He was all better. That day is also part of my 5 worst days of my life. It sucked, but he was back. Now he is gone.

Oh the memories...
I Love You.
xoxo d:)

31. My wall :)

Uhhh. This is my wall.
I Kinda got tagged by Erica to do it so I'm like.. Mmmmm. Fine. :D

Yep, so this is where i tag someone to do it. Ummm.

Kelly &&&& Mairead

xoxo d:)

Friday, October 3, 2008

30. Decode Babyy.

I'm Back.
Mmmmm. *Licks Lips*

Decode - Paramore

How can I decide what’s right?
when you’re clouding up my mind
I can’t win your losing fight,
all the time

How can I ever own what’s mine,
when you’re always taking sides
But you won’t take away my pride,
no not this time
Not this time…

How did we get here
When I used to know you so well
But how did we get here
I think I know

The truth is hiding in your eyes
and its hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
but you think that I cant see
What kind of man that you are,
if you’re a man at all
Well I will figure this one
out on my own
(I'm screaming i love you so)
on my own
(my thoughts you can't decode)

How did we get here
when I used to know you so well
But how did we get here
I think I know

Do you see what we’ve done
We’re gonna make such fools of ourselves
Do you see what we’ve done
We’re gonna make such fools of ourselves

How did we get here
when I used to know you so well
But how did we get here
I think I know

There is something I see in you
It might kill me
I want it to be true

LOL Bye again..

xoxo d:)

29. Christmas in September..

Oh My bug.
Probably not a big deal for most people but.. i officially have a 'follower'!!! Yeah, i went in search of Blogs that had ownership of fellow Paramore fans. And i found one :) Tis Kelly, she has amazing taste in music.. Mainly because its very similar to mine :D Yeah Check her out some time..
Anywho... I started my story. Tis going fabulously. :D Hmmm. I burped before and some vomit decided to come with it *thumbs down* You make me crazy when you talk talk talk talk talk like like like like like that that that that that that :D Fer Rizzle. I Love The Fratellis, and The Presets of course. But pretty sure I'm inlove with Paramore. But you knew that didn't you :D Good. GO DOWNLOAD/BUY Love not a competition and Decode by Paramore. Newly done. Decode was on 'Twilight' the other night. But i missed it. They actually orgasmic. Ummm. Well, last Sunday mum and I kinda got bored so we're like, yeah lets put up our Christmas tree. Twas the 20/9/08. September babyyy. I have pictures..

This is bearley a blog. I'm texting Anna :)
xoxo d:)
P.s I won't be the one to dissapoint you, anymore.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

28. Ily musicals.

LOL Siff I'm not doing my second blog for the night. But its okay. Nice Paige is back. The bitch has gone and died in a hole, where she belongs :) Yeah, I got bored so I'm like 'Lets go look at Paramore's Blog'. Unfortunately, Blogger isn't good enough for them so they went with live journal..

That's their link if you wanna go check it out. Its a good read, because it proves that they actually care about their fans by blogging about their doings and tours and everything else. Its awesome. Their awesome <3>"Taxi Driver" by Gym Class Heroes

I took cutie for a ride in my deathcab
She tipped me with a kiss I dropped her off at the meth lab
Before she left she made a dashboard confessional
And spilled her guts in cursive but whats worse is
I could still see her bright eyes like sunny day real estate
Oh my and in a funny way the ceiling tastes
So high but no chance
My little chemical romance left a bad taste in my mouth
But I approached her like hey Mercedes why the long face
Why you cryin? there's no need
Just put on this coheed and fallout
Boy meets girl jimmy eat world
But Schlep eats pills till hes all out
Not once not twice she was thrice times a lady
Mackin on brand new, but I had to
Bounce over to the postal service to
Pick up these pills that take care of my nervousness
And all the way I saw planes and mistook 'em for stars
She played games but she took em too far
At the drive in
Watching soft porn and you can tell
By the trail of the dead, that there was somethin in the popcorn
I hop in my cab destination midtown
Just to get up with some kids that like to get down
I'd made my rounds and that was that
In between the frowns and scraps and heart attacks
And I remember I seen her ass in early November
On a Thursday taking back Sunday for a refund
She shot a wink like no hard feelings
Then she jetted to Brazil man them pills had me spun

This is the story of the year right here
This is hot water music
Put ya ramen into it

Tis it. Check out their Blog..

*thumbs up*
xoxo d:)

27. Psycho Bitch fest attack

I'm so over 'White noise' by The Living End. I'm over having to do this shit story book for school. I'm over not seeing friends for an over-due amount of time. I'm sick of the recent days being so beautiful and scoot-worth, but overly hot that if i went outside I'd die of heat exhaustion. I'm over bugs thinking they can inhabit my nose. I'm over having shit headphones. I'm over stomach aches. I'm over dirty floors. I'm over posters on my walls falling down and scaring the shit out of me whiles I'm sound asleep. I'm sick of not sleeping until 2am in the morning. I'm sick of fighting. I'm sick of my cat pawing at my door at 5am in the morning until I wake up. I'm sick of lectures. I'm sick of the green skittles. I'm sick of waiting for people to text back. I'm sick of pancakes. I hate having to watch repeats of shows. I hate having to wait for the next house design magazine to come out. I hate the fact The recent Hills season is over. I hate realising that that was the last episode of The Boosh. I hate my skateboard wheels being shit. I hate knowing there is a new and far better Ipod Touch out there. I hate crying.I hate it when people use dictionary on their phones are don't double check to see any misspelled words. Even if they do double check i still have to re-jumble that message. I hate mosquito's. I hate knowing that when i go back to school, My ceramics sculpture could be ruined because the hair was overly thin. I hate the thought of going back to school altogether.
xoxo d:)