Nawww. Cute as Paramore photo shoot. Mmmm. I have an Our Lady's 50 year Reunion thing later on tonight.. yay.
TEXT ME PEOPLE!! I'll get so bored it's not funny. Plus Nikki isn't going so i don't see the point in me going. But, it's such a good day today i Mose well. I really want a hammock. I think we have one but I'm pretty sure Jesus past it down through generation to generation to us... Mean its so OLD!! Gosh. Yeah, since my scooter died, I've been skating more. It's been fun but I'm really having with drawl symptoms. I NEED A SCOOTER!! Actually I don't nee a scooter, i just nee a new wooden deck to fix my old one, cas nothing could replace it. LOL! Gah. i love it so much. Yeah, so I've been sick all week. Well, actually i came back to school on Wednesday because i had a after school 3 hour long Materials and Technology (wood work) Class to do. Wasn't too bad, because I really did get a lot of shiz done (Y), but i still have a bit of a cough and runny nose. OMB!! DON'T WATCH BURIED ALIVE!! Well, i guess there is no rule saying you can't watch it, but if your into dieing of fright then i guess you can watch it. But then again i get scared SO easily that you'd probably laugh in my face at how shit it was. Well, most of the movie i was hiding behind a pillow because when i jump, i jump. I hurt myself too. By jump i mean when i get scared shitless then jump like a mile cas of fright. LOL SO shit.
THEN!!! Today we went to Big-W and saw the new Ipod touch. I HATE IT! Actually it's got more shiz then mine does so its for others, but for me, Its SHIT!! Curse you jealousy. Oh well, i got aviators today :D Heck yes there back! I love them. I have to make sure i don't loose or break them like my other 3 pairs I've had. (Y)
xoxo d:)
Ohmyjeez, I love the paramore pics!
+ In the one where there standing behing the bbq i was like "GAHH! THEYRE ON FIIIRRREEE!!"
And then I laughed at myself. It was a rookie mistake anyways.
For the record, I've never seen a movie that has actually scared me. So maybe I'll watch Burried Alive and laugh at you coz I probably wont get scarded.
Shizzzzz this is a very very big comment, I'm sorry.
Oh! Those are some stellar pics. XD And that puppy is adorable. That sucks you're sick, get better soon then! Haha and I love aviators as well. They're smashing. XD Hit me back.
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