Your the nicest thing I've seen.
Lol at Saturday night. So Erica kinda stayed over. We went and got milk first off, then went to my humble abode. Chilled. Watch the boosh. Walked to Laura's. Stole my flanny on the way. Sung grease. Wore shinny shoes. Went for a walk. Stalked someones house. Erica went door knocking, while our bladders were bursting. Peed. Took Laura's Sunny's. Amazing things they are. Went and got fat at maccas. Ran into Katerina. She said I looked pretty :) nice girl that one. Went home. Camp rock time. Second time for me. First for Erica, although she did guess everything that was going to happen. Jurassic park was next. Not as interesting as it use to be. Personally, I was craving some x-men 2. Unlucky. When the dinosaurs finished *thinks back to what we did next* pretty sure we just layed in my bed after that. Wait no. I flicked to sbs and 'candy' was on. Some drug movie that she claimed was real good. It wasn't too bad. Educational I guess. Yep. That's what I look for in movies :s then after that we chilling and talked. We moved around a lot. I was on the floor at one stage. Then I was kneeling. Then she was inside down or on the floor. Then we had a standing faze. All most fell asleep. Kept talking. Knelt for a while. Decided sitting was good. Then got over it and went back to the floor. Then I'm pretty sure I was considering asking my fan out. Turned me down of course. Erica is with my heater, but the stars appealed to her as well, so she was like go for the door knob. But honestly, he just wasn't my type. We had a few killer wrestling matches. She won of course. Pretty sure I broke my nose and jaw bone about fifty eight time. Also we found my fly wire thing from my window was off its thing. Yeah we kicked it a few times. Fun though. Real fun. Gah, then that evil noise. Pretty sure it was a mutated possum. So freaking shit and scary though. I wanted to go outside all night, but that noise kinda changed my mind a bit. As well as checking under my bed every two seconds. Yep. We munched on our teddy bear biscuits. Once I start I actually can't stop. We stated Erica isn't a comedian, and once again I am the retard. When the sky started to get brighter, we were like yep, Eight is our goal. We sort of made it. 7.30am we conked out and decided to sleep. I wasn't tired at all. So i was moving around a lot. Sorry Erica :S Lolage. Yeah :) That's about it.
Was a very good night.
xoxo d:)
P.S Omg Its December. 25 days until Christmas :)
P.P.S Omg New season of the hills starts Wednesday :) :)
P.P.P.S Omffg High School Musical three is coming out this Thursday :) :) :)
Listening to right now: Situations - Escape the fate.
I love this song At the moment. Ronnie Radke is Amazing :)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
52. Thee Presetss
I love me some Presets. 

My how you've grown
I think I'll call you on the telephone
And tell you all the things that I've been missing
Turn out the lights
Where we're going we don't need 'em tonight
We're at your daddy's home
But he's not listening

I think I'll call you on the telephone
And tell you all the things that I've been missing
Turn out the lights
Where we're going we don't need 'em tonight
We're at your daddy's home
But he's not listening
You make me crazy when you...
xoxo d:)
xoxo d:)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
51. Sick sick sick.

I'm sick. I'm weak. I'm tired. I'm bored. I'm tearing. I'm really sensitive. My sickness is frustrating the shizzit outta me. My head is throbbing, my stomach can't decide if it wants to come out of my mouth or not. Its Been like this for the past four days. The weekend may have had something to do with it though. I was in Werribee/Melbourne at my sisters new house. The house is amazing, but my weekend was shit. I was so moody. So annoyed for no reason. And I was lacking socialness. So I guess after that disaster, it stayed the same, I kept moody, and got sick. I'm uber weak aswell. For example, texting is so hard, as Erica would of found out the other night (apparently). Scooting is really hard aswell. Opening doors is gay too and I walk like I just got out of a wheel chair. Being tired is real stressfull, and hard to do all the time. Sunday night was rediculous. I shook all night becuase I was cold as ice, plus I was sick as a bitch. So, afternoon naps are my speciality. Sittng on a couch, talking to no one, watching nothing, tends to result in major bordom. No questions there. 'I'm not crying!!' I actually wasnt. Now I'm still tearing. No reason. Just I have nothing better to do. And my last complaining topic for today is being way sensitive. Well, my skin is. When I shower, I'm in pain. When I get dressed, I'm in pain. Everything is so shit. Plus haven't been eating, and I'm over cheerios. Which is a big deal.
xoxo d:)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
50. Vegetarians.

Paige Harrington. A proud veg-head, Dedicated. I guess being vegetarian means a lot to me. I know people always say 'Yeah, I care for the animals, but I can't go veg'. Why not? I ask. If you love them, you wouldn't eat them. I'm not saying your stupid and lying at the fact that you care for the animals, because you probably do. But would you eat your dog? Honestly. Its not hard to become a vegetarian. Not eating meat wont kill you. Eating meat will kill them. I hear all the time people saying *Big slab of meat in front of me* 'Paige. It's already dead. Just eat it.' Honestly, I don't care if its already dead and everyone has already take a chunck out of it. It was still killed for our purposes. Just for your appitite. You DON'T need meat to live. Look at me. I'm fine and dandy. Plus I'm a diabetic, so If its anyone, its me who shouldn't be vegetarian. Its actually healthier. I tried going vegan about 3 months ago, but i wasn't aloud :( It sucked but I would of gotten sick. Lol. Even if I went vegan, I could still take calcium pills. Now that I'm vegetarian, I can take iron pills and all that. But I don't. Not sure why I don't :S I guess I haven't gotten sick enough to have to start taking them. So I guess that just proves that being a veg-head or a vegan, doesn't mean you HAVE to take regular pills just to stay alive. I still have two legs and a heart beat.
10 reasons to go Vegetarian :)
1. Because a vegan diet reverses heart disease.
2. Because in every package of chicken, there’s a little bit of poop.
3. Because it takes a small person to beat a defenseless animal ... and an even smaller person to eat one.
4. Because eating meat and dairy products makes you fat.
5. Because the grain used to feed animals could be used to feed hungry people
6. Because no animal deserves to die for your taste buds.
7. Because you can’t eat meat and call yourself an environmentalist.
8. Because more than half the water used in the U.S. is used to raise animals for food.
9. Because when animals feel pain, they scream too.
10. Because it isn’t fair.
10 reasons to go Vegetarian :)
1. Because a vegan diet reverses heart disease.
2. Because in every package of chicken, there’s a little bit of poop.
3. Because it takes a small person to beat a defenseless animal ... and an even smaller person to eat one.
4. Because eating meat and dairy products makes you fat.
5. Because the grain used to feed animals could be used to feed hungry people
6. Because no animal deserves to die for your taste buds.
7. Because you can’t eat meat and call yourself an environmentalist.
8. Because more than half the water used in the U.S. is used to raise animals for food.
9. Because when animals feel pain, they scream too.
10. Because it isn’t fair.
Friday, November 7, 2008
49. Sleeping bag (Y)
She'll watch it. Trust me.
So today, mum and i went shopping. I got myself a sleeping bag and a $7 chair for camp next Wednesday/Thursday/Friday :) Its actually going to be so shit. Can't wait.. TO DIE!! So gay. Anywho, so because I got a new sleeping bag, i thought i'd test it out tonight and kinda sleep in it. On my bed of course. Not in a tent in my backyard. On the ground. Covered in freaking snails.. Mmmm. Nice. Also, mum got 'The notebook' the other day. Apparaently and urber sad movie, and I've seen it like 24876 times, but still havn't cried in it yet. So wish me luck because I think ill watch it later. Yeah, we had the movie ages ago, then someone stole/lost it, so we bought it again.. Yep.
So today, mum and i went shopping. I got myself a sleeping bag and a $7 chair for camp next Wednesday/Thursday/Friday :) Its actually going to be so shit. Can't wait.. TO DIE!! So gay. Anywho, so because I got a new sleeping bag, i thought i'd test it out tonight and kinda sleep in it. On my bed of course. Not in a tent in my backyard. On the ground. Covered in freaking snails.. Mmmm. Nice. Also, mum got 'The notebook' the other day. Apparaently and urber sad movie, and I've seen it like 24876 times, but still havn't cried in it yet. So wish me luck because I think ill watch it later. Yeah, we had the movie ages ago, then someone stole/lost it, so we bought it again.. Yep.
What is it?
I'm bored. No one is talking to me. TEXT ME BITCHES; Tell me something I want to hear.
xoxo d:)
48. Erica!!
This isnt over..
You WILL watch high school musical. That's not a threat. That's a promise. Pretty sure THAT was a threat though. But it will happen.
Xoxo d:)
You WILL watch high school musical. That's not a threat. That's a promise. Pretty sure THAT was a threat though. But it will happen.
Xoxo d:)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
47. Ministry/HSM/Belkin.
Siff I didn't get high.... School.... Musical.... THREE soundtrack :) Don't think you could even imagine how happy I am at the moment. Oh and even better news. I got the ministry of sound 2009 edition :) even more happier. Oh oh oh and I also got a new iPod touch case. Which shouldn't make too much of a difference because its scratched like shit. Word of advice if you do make the wise decision to make the change to an iPod touch. First thing for you to buy, apart from the touch itself, is DEFIANTLY a cover. Full all over kind of cover, like a belkin Blake case floppy cover :) hehe its amazing. Oh my bug. If you get the hsm3 album (which I insist you do purchase), try not to cry on #11: I'm no even kidding. I'm having a hard time keeping in. Haha its a slower more sader version of 'all in this together'. Its the graduation mix. So sad. Because it pretty much just says 'this is the end'. Gah. I wish the third one wasn't the final :( unhappy. My iPod cover smells funny. OMB And now, I officially have over 1000 songs on my podi :) Stoked.

xoxo d:)
Siff I didn't get high.... School.... Musical.... THREE soundtrack :) Don't think you could even imagine how happy I am at the moment. Oh and even better news. I got the ministry of sound 2009 edition :) even more happier. Oh oh oh and I also got a new iPod touch case. Which shouldn't make too much of a difference because its scratched like shit. Word of advice if you do make the wise decision to make the change to an iPod touch. First thing for you to buy, apart from the touch itself, is DEFIANTLY a cover. Full all over kind of cover, like a belkin Blake case floppy cover :) hehe its amazing. Oh my bug. If you get the hsm3 album (which I insist you do purchase), try not to cry on #11: I'm no even kidding. I'm having a hard time keeping in. Haha its a slower more sader version of 'all in this together'. Its the graduation mix. So sad. Because it pretty much just says 'this is the end'. Gah. I wish the third one wasn't the final :( unhappy. My iPod cover smells funny. OMB And now, I officially have over 1000 songs on my podi :) Stoked.

xoxo d:)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
45. Poka face..

Siff Lozz and I aren't poppin' rose petals with our hands :) Its actually the most entertaining thing ever. Haha. Harry just tried to do it because he saw us hitting our hands, but he can't do it. Mainly because he doesn't have a petal, but also because he isnt as cool as us two :)
Well, I'm currently in Humanities.. Aka chilling with Mr. E. E-Dawg. Timmy Babe. The Ellis mobile. Mr. T. Homie. Yeah, its amazing. He's actually wearing a mint green coloured shirt :) Its nice. Along with some trendy pants and some brown looking shoes. Nice set up there. I'M SO BORED!!!
Well, I'm currently in Humanities.. Aka chilling with Mr. E. E-Dawg. Timmy Babe. The Ellis mobile. Mr. T. Homie. Yeah, its amazing. He's actually wearing a mint green coloured shirt :) Its nice. Along with some trendy pants and some brown looking shoes. Nice set up there. I'M SO BORED!!!
I'm listening to my podi. Ebony got an Ipod Touch for her birthday the other day. Which is kinda cool because now we're in a group of 'Ipod touch owners', which is awesome (Y) She has the 2nd generation, which didn't make me very happy, because mine is only the first generation, with an emaculate amount of scratches on it :( Makes me sad.
xoxo d:)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
44. Paramore newbie :D

New Paramore song. Well, actually its not that new. I guess to you it is, but I've listened to it 2398472 times, that its old for me. But still amazingly awesome. JEREMY(bassist) HAS NEW HAIR!!So, Its called 'Decode' (I posted lyrics yonks ago), and its from 'Twilight' the movie :) So going to go see it.
Sorry, it's not on youtube yet, but here is the link :) Worth the wait.
:D Brilliant huh?
But you think that I can't see what kind of man that you are. If your a man at all.
New Paramore song. Well, actually its not that new. I guess to you it is, but I've listened to it 2398472 times, that its old for me. But still amazingly awesome. JEREMY(bassist) HAS NEW HAIR!!So, Its called 'Decode' (I posted lyrics yonks ago), and its from 'Twilight' the movie :) So going to go see it.
Sorry, it's not on youtube yet, but here is the link :) Worth the wait.
:D Brilliant huh?
But you think that I can't see what kind of man that you are. If your a man at all.
Hehe. Dude, I've scooted already. And its 9:26pm, on a Tuseday (day off).
My throat hurts like shit.
xoxo d:) "You make me happy"
Sunday, November 2, 2008
43. Jazz Festival.
Okay, so I was thinking about what my next blog should be about. Which led to me deciding this: If you know the difference between 'their, there, they're, where, were, we're, your and you're.. I love you already. I mean, it's not bad they some people say 'I wish we where going to the movies'. Or 'Can we go to there house?', because I do know what their talking about. But still. Its the principle of the matter. Even if you don't know the difference between it all, I will still love parts of you. LOL Kidding. Just thought I'd make that point to you all. So, I was just scooting at my usual scooting spot, and i kinda drooped my ipod. I could of started balling my eyes out. I kinda felt like how i felt when i saw that my scooter had snapped in half. Horrible feeling actually, the worst. ITS SO HOT NOWADAYS!! I mean yeah, I do know that it is like one month until summer, but seriously. The harsh UV rays are damaging my skin and filling it with deadly melanomas. -Sigh- Well, this weekend is Jazz festival weekend. Personally, I hate Jazz music. Erica, Gabby and myself chilled from 3:30pm until about 10pm. Yeah, it was eventful. Including that cute guy with the AMAZING HAIR! I can't stress enough to you guys how perfect his hair was. *flashback* Mmmm. You wish you saw it. *End of Flashback* Yeah, last night was alright. I burnt my tongue so bad from eating HOT AS freaking fried rice far to quickly :( It hurts immaculately. You know the Tongue is the strongest part of the body? Josh does. LOL Well, at least i think it is :S Anywho..
Now, I'm NOT a fan of Bring me the horizon. But concidering EVERYONE just loves Oli Sykes, and I am vegetarian, i thought I'd have this pictures. Cas I'm awesome.
GAH! School tomorrow. So shit. Then stupid Melbourne cup shit on Tuesday.. I Actually hate the races. Its so shit. Just another time for underaged guys and girls to dress up and get 'crunck'. Pathetic. I hate dresses. Lol

That is all.
xoxo d:)
xoxo d:)
P.S 'I think we should give Gabby head'.. Nuff Said.
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