Paige Harrington. A proud veg-head, Dedicated. I guess being vegetarian means a lot to me. I know people always say 'Yeah, I care for the animals, but I can't go veg'. Why not? I ask. If you love them, you wouldn't eat them. I'm not saying your stupid and lying at the fact that you care for the animals, because you probably do. But would you eat your dog? Honestly. Its not hard to become a vegetarian. Not eating meat wont kill you. Eating meat will kill them. I hear all the time people saying *Big slab of meat in front of me* 'Paige. It's already dead. Just eat it.' Honestly, I don't care if its already dead and everyone has already take a chunck out of it. It was still killed for our purposes. Just for your appitite. You DON'T need meat to live. Look at me. I'm fine and dandy. Plus I'm a diabetic, so If its anyone, its me who shouldn't be vegetarian. Its actually healthier. I tried going vegan about 3 months ago, but i wasn't aloud :( It sucked but I would of gotten sick. Lol. Even if I went vegan, I could still take calcium pills. Now that I'm vegetarian, I can take iron pills and all that. But I don't. Not sure why I don't :S I guess I haven't gotten sick enough to have to start taking them. So I guess that just proves that being a veg-head or a vegan, doesn't mean you HAVE to take regular pills just to stay alive. I still have two legs and a heart beat.
10 reasons to go Vegetarian :)
1. Because a vegan diet reverses heart disease.
2. Because in every package of chicken, there’s a little bit of poop.
3. Because it takes a small person to beat a defenseless animal ... and an even smaller person to eat one.
4. Because eating meat and dairy products makes you fat.
5. Because the grain used to feed animals could be used to feed hungry people
6. Because no animal deserves to die for your taste buds.
7. Because you can’t eat meat and call yourself an environmentalist.
8. Because more than half the water used in the U.S. is used to raise animals for food.
9. Because when animals feel pain, they scream too.
10. Because it isn’t fair.
10 reasons to go Vegetarian :)
1. Because a vegan diet reverses heart disease.
2. Because in every package of chicken, there’s a little bit of poop.
3. Because it takes a small person to beat a defenseless animal ... and an even smaller person to eat one.
4. Because eating meat and dairy products makes you fat.
5. Because the grain used to feed animals could be used to feed hungry people
6. Because no animal deserves to die for your taste buds.
7. Because you can’t eat meat and call yourself an environmentalist.
8. Because more than half the water used in the U.S. is used to raise animals for food.
9. Because when animals feel pain, they scream too.
10. Because it isn’t fair.
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