Friday, January 23, 2009

81. She will be loved.

Vince Noir: Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard?
Howard Moon: This better be good.
Vince Noir: You know the black bits in bananas, are they tarantulas' eggs?
Howard Moon: Please don't speak to me ever again in your life.

Gah. Weather is so shit. I'm over it all. Stupidness. Anywho,
So there's this girl. And she's actually really talented, regarding using words real well. Tis Madison. I came across her blog on myspacee, and this specific one caught my eye. Her relationship with this guy she's with is actually quite inspirational.
Her blog:
Have you ever loved someone or something so much that you didn't want to let them go for the world? That you felt like you couldn't get enough, that you wanted more and more, just to make sure they wouldn't slip through your fingers? Have you even loved someone so much that you wanted all of them, all at once, just to make sure nothing was wasted, no feelings, no words, no moments, no actions are wasted? Have you ever gotten butterflies just from a touch? Have you ever loved someone so much that you are terrified of losing one second? Have you ever loved someone so much when being practically tangled with them still leaves you wanting to be closer? Have you even loved someone so much that every second your with them kills you because you know you have to say goodbye at the end? Have you ever loved someone so much that every second with them makes you feel alive more than the second before?

I have. iIm in love. And I know everyone is probably sick of reading/hearing/seeing things all about him but I can't help it. I think about him day and night, 24/7, awake and unconscious, he's always on my mind. Why? Everything around me is attached to a memory of him. My bedroom, my bed, bathrooms: where we have stood a million times, looking at each other in the mirror, not worried about anything else, my necklaces, my body, the nerds packet he drew on for me, my laptop, my phone, my ipod, everything has a connection to him. As dumb as it sounds, everything really does remind me of him. So many memories, so many things, moments, words, looks, tears, actions I never want to forget. Awkward, scary, happy, sad, boring. I want to remember it all. always. You tell me how you feel about me, words I can't even begin to recite. The things you say to me make me forget everything else, you make me smile and laugh even at the most terrible times. I think of you each morning and get one big smile on my face. Because you do know, after everything you're my mario and I don't care if peachi gets with luigi in the end you're the one whose saved me from everything :). Like I said, if I didn't have you I would be the same as I was last year emotionally and I know that for a fact, I don't think anyone really knows how happy I am.

How cute.

Click for her myspace :D

I Need to buy me some black con's for school .-.
xoxo d:)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

80. Jared Followill

Hey Jared:)

Cable's good now. So chill guys.

I miss these girls :(

xoxo d:)

P.s Yes, i do enjoy doing pointless blogs.

P.p.s. I'm going off at some chick because her msn addy is *her name*_luvs*ex boyfriends name*@hotty. Way to be a retard.

Telly Tubbies - Lean wit it :)

Well, i though it was funny.

79. Cable.

What the freak is wrong with my Cable/Austar/Foxtel?

Its so hot.
How did we get here? Well, I use to know you so well.
xoxo d:)

78. Not even a blog.

If you were smart, you'd highlight the part under 'xoxo d:)' on my last blog.
Thank you for your time.
xoxo d:)

77.We're better off, Without you.

Its 1:40am. I've been better...
Why? Because I can.

My girl, my girl, tell me why you look so sad...
Has the sun finally set on us?
Have you come to long for another's hand?
There's a feeling inside me that somethings leaving.
Like someone stealing salt from sea.
Left me sinking and left me thinking
how to keep you caged with me

Because I need you like air to breathe
Just to hold you.
o' I hold you.
o' how I hold you.
I hold you down.

Down with my insecurities
down with my hypocrisy
down with my pathetic pleas
down instead of setting you free
to find your happiness with or without me.

So untie your feat, reattach your wings
so you don't have to open your throat to sing.

Because if it's you I love, then from you...

I'd walk away.

And your face:
on every leaf
of every branch
of every tree

xoxo d:)
If you thought I'd bleed, then you were wrong. 'Cause I wont stop holding on.

Monday, January 19, 2009

76. There will be blood.

I Love Saw.

I actually do. So, I just watched a movie. I Am An Animal: The Story Of Ingrid Newkirk And Peta. It was really good. Ingrid is a part founder of People for the ethical treatment of animals, Aka Peta. It pretty much tells us about how the organization works, what they do to help the animals and everything in between. It was really inspirational. I think you should check it out sometime.
Ummm, So I thought now was a good time to warn you at when I'm in a shitty mood and when to back off and not bother. When I do get annoyed, I tend to shorten everything/Try to have small talk as much as possible. Usually because I'm in such a bad mood, that I wont bother with you, or because yeah, I am trying to get a point across. I'm usually big on grammar, love my punctuation and Spelling? Gah, don't get me started. Tis also a must in my life. So if you ask me what's up and I say either 'nm, u' or just 'nm' and not even ask about you, don't bother with me. If you text me, and I do a text without a ':)', I'm either on a different phone and have no idea how to put them in, annoyed or high :) Chyeah. Oh Oh and if I start a conversation with a 'hi', something is definitely up lol
Thanks you for your time.
xoxo d:)

Friday, January 16, 2009

75. I'm baaaack

I'm Back :)
My Diabetes camp in Venus bay really was amazing. I met so many great people, that I know I will keep in my heart forever. I learnt so many things that I know will help me to keep my diabetes up to par. I guess you could say that in some ways, I rediscovered myself. Found my boundaries and took on my fears. It was a learning experience, I loved it. Friday morning mum and I took off to Cranbourne. My aunt lives up there, so we stayed the night, ready to take off for camp Saturday morning. The drive was long. The weather was hot. And the anticipation of getting on the bus the next day, grew every second. When we arrived, we chilled then went to Bunnings. Smells funny. Then we chilled, slept got up at like 8:30 the next morning, then headed off to Macca's in Cranbourne. Rocked up at like 11am. Waited for 45 minutes to be told we were at the wrong McDonald's, then headed for the right one. Haha. Great start. The bus trip to Venus Bay was awkward, kinda quite and full of 'There is something about Mary' sence. Funny movie that one. We stopped off at some random beach for some morning tea. Mmmm. It was full of sugar free food, and people jabbing themselves with needles. Just the way I like it. Anywho, I met pretty much everyone then. Steph: I sat next to her on the way up :) She was also in my tent, and so so funny. I miss her. Sophie: She was also in my tent, and is actually really cool. Awesome sunnies :) I miss her. Sarah/Stooge: Chyeah, Not in my tent, but always in my heart. Lol Jelly bean and Water bottle *winks*. I miss you. Brooke M: Argh. This chick is so funny. I adore her, because she makes me want to put in more of an effort with my Diabetes :) I miss you. Brooke C: Ha. Where do I start? In the beginning, I was real intimidated by her. But now that I've seen how big her heart is, I love herr. I miss you.
Anywho, I bearly remember Saturday. Putting the tents up. Getting shit ready. Sunday, I tried to sneak onto a bus to go for some walk, but I got caught, then sent back to camp. I hate that Dave guy. Such a loser. I'm pretty sure we went to the Beach afterwoods.. Monday, we went Opp shopping for a disco we were having Wednesday night. It was weird. I got Fairy shiz. Twas good. When Tuesday rocked up, we had a pretty jam packed day. We took a bus ride to Wilsons Prom. to do a whole bunch of shit. I sat next to Rob on the way up :D I love that guy. I surfed first off. That's right. I totally ramed face first into a guy. Got smashted into the sand like fifty times, and stood up once :0 It was really awesome. Next we went and had some lunch (rolls). Canoing came next. It was alright, but because I've done it all before it was pretty boring. Pretty normal. Then we were ment to go absailing (so much fun). But we didn't end up going. Walked like half way to the giant cliff face, then had to turn back around. Shit as. Home time rocked up, so I sat myself next to My Stooge :) Argh i miss that chick. Anywho, We talked and talked, then when we got back, we ate. Chyeah. Wednesday rolled on in, and for most of the morning we chilled in our pack. Oh, new comers, Matt, Jacob, Zac, Tony plus a whole heap of people who liked to join us in their quest of trying to be awesome sat around, talked about nothing.. Well, usually we talked about me being weird because I'm a veg head. But suck shit people. Everyone admitted that the veggie burgers were better then those horrible half cooked, feather filled chicken wings. Ewwies. Anywho, When 6:30pm came on down, I decided i should start getting ready for this shit disco. So I got my fairy wings(gave them to stooge), my tiara and my wand. So it was awesome. We were all set. Ready to go. So we piled onto the bus, and headed down to the surf club. Scotty is such a classic. He's yelling all of this stuff to randoms as we drive past.
*A mum and her daughter walk past walking their dog* Scotty: WASH YOUR DOG.. AND YOUR MUM!! ha. Freaking funny guy that one.
Okay, Back to the disco. Well, we rolled in on our pimped out mini bus. Chyeah, we roll in style. Went inside and danced till we were on the ground. I use to love disco's. I remember a few bluelight ones I went to back in the day. We'd just hang out with the normal group of friends, jump around and stay clear of the boys. Ew. Cooties. So yeah. The disco was really worth the getting awesome for. Although I was hell sweaty afterwoods, but it was worth it. That night, when I was lying in my bed it sort of hit me. It was the last night I'd be with everyone. The last night I'd kinda feel half normal, with all of those diabetics surrounding me. I guess when I left Wangaratta, I started missing all of my friends from there, although I did leave with me knowing I would see them again. Soon after I get back I'd see all of them. Now that I've left Venus Bay and all its brought me, I wont see them for a fair while. I hope we have a reunion. I miss them all so much. BFFLB's for life.

Thanks to Rob for some of these pictures :) Illly.

Its something unpredictable, but in the end its right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

xoxo d:)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

74. I'm going away..

Hello, and Goodbye :)
So its Thursday night, soon to be Friday morning (11.50pm) and I can't sleep. I'm driving down to Cranbourne to go to my Aunts place for a night, then Saturday morning, Im'a going to Venus bay. Seems pretty nice, so I guess I'm rather excited. I come back to Cranbourne at like 2ish next Thursday afternoon, then will probably head home that night :D Currently, I'm syncing my ipod so i have enough new and good songs and movies to live off for the next week, so its good. Plus I'm giving it an my phone a fairly good charge, considering I have nothing to charge it with for the next week. Yeah yeah, everyone knows the rules 'No Ipods, Phones or any other type of technology'. Pffft Get real. Everyone takes them anyway. Can't stop us. So here's my plan. Every night in my tent, from probably 10-11pm Im'a turn my phone on (its off to save battery), and text all my peeps. Well some. I need to keep my credit balance up As well. Haha
Chyeah. So I thought I'd better blog a real quick one before I set off on my journey. Well, tomorrow will be the 2 week anniversary of me having Pierre as a companion. Fairly awesome.

I think this is where I'm going. Venus Bay. Try not to be too jealous, I hate the ocean :)
And to all of those questions, yes. I did just buy some man bonds briefs :)

xoxo d:) See you all next week.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

73. Who is she?

Click the picture if its too small to read..

Its so hot *sweats* :(

xoxo d:)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

72. Xoxo Gossip Girl.

Gah. I'm hooked. I love this show. I get attched so easily to these kind of shows. The Hills, Laguna Beach, Oc?, Newport Harbor now this. Hehe.

Say those 3 words, 8 letters, and I'm yours.
xoxo d:)
P.s I'm over my new hair already. I miss my old shitty hair :( *cries*

71. Amore

1. Paige has new hair.
2. I love saw.
3. Webcaming with Nikki is amazing.
4. I'm that tired, its ridiculous.
5. My feet cain.
6. I want a drum kit.
7. I have my pink milk.
8. My hair smells good.
9. No reception sucks.
10. My wife and kids is hilarious.
11. I enjoy you. Always have, always will.
12. Ebondy's house is so clean. And pretty.
13. 13's my favourite number.
14. Bec's going to Italy.
15. I want to watch the Jungle book.
16. I'm craving raspberry twisters.
17. My stomach hurts.
18. One six-inch vegetarian sub please.
19. I want to sleep outside.
20. Argh. I see what your doing. Its pathetic.

xoxo d:)

Friday, January 2, 2009

70. Blake's got a new face.

Happy New Year Everybody.
So, its 2009. The third day of 2009. It doesn't feel any different. Like nothing has changed.
Nothing weird has happend, well not yet anyway. I like the feeling fo being refreshed and like something good has happend/changed. But nothing. Unlucky. Anywho, My night was pretty good actually. Spent it with some of my peeps :)

Although I do miss my Nikki. Anyone seen her recently? lol
Anywho.. You know that its actually been one whole week since I found my Pierre? Amazing how time flyies hey. Argh. I'm going on camp soon. My Diabetes one. Next Saturday, until the Thursday after. Yay,,, Right? Well, number one we're camping. Like full on in tents, with no powerpoints, no normal stuff. Its gonna be rather shiat. But it's at Venus Bay, which is ment to be like all pretty and shiz, with a beach. So i guess that's alright. Actually, I hate beaches. Well, I have oceans, not beaches.. But yeah.

xoxo d:)

P.s Oh Oh Oh