Happy New Year Everybody.
So, its 2009. The third day of 2009. It doesn't feel any different. Like nothing has changed.
Nothing weird has happend, well not yet anyway. I like the feeling fo being refreshed and like something good has happend/changed. But nothing. Unlucky. Anywho, My night was pretty good actually. Spent it with some of my peeps :)

Although I do miss my Nikki. Anyone seen her recently? lol
Anywho.. You know that its actually been one whole week since I found my Pierre? Amazing how time flyies hey. Argh. I'm going on camp soon. My Diabetes one. Next Saturday, until the Thursday after. Yay,,, Right? Well, number one we're camping. Like full on in tents, with no powerpoints, no normal stuff. Its gonna be rather shiat. But it's at Venus Bay, which is ment to be like all pretty and shiz, with a beach. So i guess that's alright. Actually, I hate beaches. Well, I have oceans, not beaches.. But yeah.
xoxo d:)
P.s Oh Oh Oh
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