What makes a friend?

A friend is someone you can walk to, when everyone else walks away.
A friend is someone you can talk to when you get tired of talking to yourself.
A friend is someone that when it comes to lying.. Well, when lying isnt an issue anymore.
A friend is someone you go to when you choose A insted of C in your science test.
A friend is someone who will tell you a booger is hanging out of your nose.
A friend is someone you fight with, then 5 minutes later they call up apologising even though it was you to call then a penis sucking whore.
A friend is someone that even though you did call them a penis sucking whore, they don't get angry.
A friend is someone who knows your mood, just by receiving one word text messages.
A friend is someone who knows the most about you, even more then you do.
A friend is someone who remembers your middle name, when everyone else plays the 'let me guess your middle name' game.
A friend is someone who you can sing S Club 7 songs with, and not feel like a total dooshe bag.
A friend is someone who talks to your parents as their own. It may get really annoying, but its so cute.
A friend is someone who you can cook garlic bread with at 3am in the morning.
A friend is someone who will take the time to sit down with you to listen to you brag about being awesome.
A friend is someone who you can trust with every secret you have.
A friend is someone who wears the smile you gave them.
By Paige Harrington.

Omb. 100th blog :)
xoxo d:)
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