ERICA'S!! yay :)
She's 16. I hate clowns. I really do. One of my biggest fears actually. Remember reading my 'Magpie's are shit' post a while ago? Yeah well my fear of clowns are like that, times about 663892394 more. I really hate them. So when I become friends with a clown Adora, its pretty stressful. Sleeping in a bed that is about 1m away from a stack of toy clowns, not fun. But being my best friend, I can't say no to her dressed up in a clown suit. She makes me happy, all the time. You making jokes, then laughing at them yourself always make me laugh even when the joke isn't funny. But that's what I love about you. You're you, which makes you hard to keep away from.
What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.
You're my best friend, fiance' and everything in between. Thank-you for everything.
xoxo d:)
now who's a little sex muffin??
ERICA! and PAIGE! Tehe I can say sex muffin without regret because paige has a warming on the paige wait soz i mean page! haha love you both dearly
naww your so cute love you =D
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