Heck yes they have a new song out. Of course I've listened to this song about 4553e45 times already, but its still just as amazing :) I love it. I love them. Holy shiatt. All Time Low are actually coming to Australia in June.. I think? Going to go off. Can't wait.

So I had my very very very first shift at Hungry jack's last night. It was alright I guess. I went in at like 4:00pm (half an hour early), and chilled in store with that guy. Don't remember his name, but he was there and I work with him. So I did, lol. Anywho, we went in and changed into uniform (red button up shirt with orange shoulders, with GIANT black pants), we're so stylish in that store. Anywho, first when I went in I ment this teacher/trainer dude so he showed me how to freaking clean tables. Was awesome. So I clean them. And Mopped. And Swept. And sanitised like everything, so its germ free guys (Y) Yay.
After I did that I filled litterally 200 cups of coke within a 3 hour period. Was grand.
That's my summery of my first job experience for you, I'll be back some day soon to tell you about other awesome shiz.

xoxo d:)
P.S, pretty sure my finger is broken :(
Whenever I go onto your blog it gives me this warning sign like are you sure you want to look at this coz it may be inappropriate? Ha!
lol you have to be the best drink fillerer ever! love you xx
i have just realised a few things about you
1. you are good at photoshop
2. you like pretty much the coolest music.
3. you're pretty awesome. :)
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